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Views: 55,739β€…    Votes:  8β€…
Tags: security   scanner   log   malware   clamav  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How can I make a detailed report of ClamAv scan results (location of infected files)?
ID: /2016/08/14/How-can-I-make-a-detailed-report-of-ClamAv-scan-results-_location-of-infected-files__
Created: August 14, 2016    Edited:  August 16, 2016
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Apparently you have to tell ClamAv where to put your report of infected files. Looking at wiki it appears the software isn’t stellar and there might be better packages to use if security is your first concern. However ClamAV is open source and free so if budget is priority it is probably the best.

As far as seeing a report of infected files this is what I found in the Community Help Wiki:

Infected files reporting

In case you are recursively scanning the whole /home folder (or even
the whole system) from a terminal emulator on your GUI, possibly there
will be lots of files. In that case, as the output you will get is not
infinite, it probably will help to generate a report containing the
paths to all infected files. In that case you can do the following:

sudo clamscan -r /folder/to/scan/ | grep FOUND >> /path/to/save/report/file.txt  

Be patient if you run that command and it doesn’t seem to be working
because even if you don’t see the complete output it is really
scanning the files. When you see the prompt again, that will mean the
scan is finished and that you can open the file it has created to
check any infected file detected in your system.

As Clamav doesn’t disinfect the files, sometimes will be better to
just know what are the infected files before putting it on quarantine
or removing it. For example, you could be using Wine and by deleting
an infected file you could break a program without having saved some

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