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If you can read me, I'm broken!

The 5 Ws (and 1 H) that should be asked of every project!
Image credit: The 5 Ws (and 1 H)

About Pippim

This page answers questions you might have about Pippim. The 5 W’s are addressed; “Who”, “What”, “Where”, “When” and “Why” of Pippim. Here you will discover:

Ask Ubuntu Profile
WinEunuuchs2Unix Ask Ubuntu Profile Page

Who is Pippim?

Pippim is a one-man-show that has been answering questions since 2016 on under the user name “WinEunuuchs2Unix”. When you look at WinEnuuchs2Unix’s profile 🔗 in Ask Ubuntu you will see the image on the right.

The philosophy is free open source software.

Break out of software jail image
Break out of restrictive software jail

What is Pippim?

Pippim is a website with free and open source software.

The software is primarily for use on Linux. There are also free on-line apps you can use in your browser.

Pippim website features:

Tim-ta project timer sounds an alarm at each step of your project. It runs in your browser.

HRB (Hyperlink Recipe Baker) also runs in your browser. Use it to quickly create hyperlinks for the documentation you write.

The Pippim website is designed for you to copy it (fork on GitHub Pages) and create your own website. To speed up the process, variables such as the name “Pippim” only needs to be changed in one place. Then hundreds or thousands of pages are automatically updated.

Edmonton Temperature
Image Credit: Apple's

Where is Pippim located?

Figuratively speaking, Pippim is located in “the cloud” on GitHub 🔗 ( where all the source code is kept. The website you are viewing now is found on GitHub Pages 🔗 (

As you may have deduced by the little yellow dot in this image though, Pippim is physically located in Edmonton, Canada. For a better view, right-click on the picture, select Open in new tab, and then zoom in with your browser. On January 26, 2022, after long bouts of cold weather, it is surprisingly warm in Edmonton.

When was Pippim created?

Why was Pippim created?

This website was created to document the free software that Pippim created on the websites Ask Ubuntu 🔗 and GitHub 🔗.

Thousands of Pippim Posts, under the pen-name WinEunuchs2Unix, on Ask Ubuntu are about 95% Answers and 5% Questions. There have been over 72.6 million views, as of February 15, 2025, to the questions that Pippim has answered.

The best answers that Pippim posted in Ask Ubuntu are downloaded and inserted into the Pippim website.

How was Pippim created?

“How” doesn’t begin with a “W”, which seems to contradict the “5 W’s” but, as the saying goes:

Who, What, Where, When, Why and sometimes How

So how as Pippim created? Well the first step was to find a domain name (website name) that:

  1. Was easy to remember
  2. Was six characters or less
  3. Was two syllables or less
  4. Could be typed with the right hand only
  5. Did not contain special characters like “-“ or digits like “9”, “0”, etc.
  6. Ended with the extension “.com” instead of “.net” or “.org”, etc.
  7. Wasn’t a name already reserved and being sold for thousands of dollars
  8. Could be purchased from Google Domains which offers good security, performance and reliability

After finding out the name “” was available, a few more weeks of contemplation went by, before “pulling the trigger”, and buying the name for $17 CAD per year.

Then this Pippim website was created using GitHub Pages for free. More details about how the website was created can be found on in the middle of the Home Page.


Formal Education and Accreditations


OS to Application to Full-Stack Internet Development

Summary and Objectives

Hosted on GitHub with Jekyll, Ruby Gems, Javascript, HTML, SCSS and more

Jekyll Octocat Mascot

Image credit: Jekyll Octocat Mascot GitHub 🔗