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Views: 1,582β€…    Votes:  6β€…
Tags: software-recommendation   suspend   power-management  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How can I quickly disable standby lid off in Ubuntu Unity 16.04?
ID: /2016/08/21/How-can-I-quickly-disable-standby-lid-off-in-Ubuntu-Unity-16.04_
Created: August 21, 2016
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Another option would be changing from β€œSuspend” to β€œDo Nothing” in Ubuntu Settings - Power:

Ubuntu Settings - Power

PS: This doesn’t provide an indicator in the notifications area but is simpler than creating a script for new users.

PPS: In this screen snapshot the UPS is for Cable Modem + Sony Android TV, not the laptop which has battery… HAHA.

⇧ My laptop shuts down when I close the lid even though it's set to hibernate systemctl failed to connect to bus - docker ubuntu:16.04 container  β‡©