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Views: 27,402     Votes:  5 
Tags: apt   software-installation   security  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Can I get a virus by using "sudo apt-get install"?
ID: /2016/08/29/Can-I-get-a-virus-by-using-_sudo-apt-get-install__
Created: August 29, 2016    Edited:  November 30, 2017
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Files downloaded by sudo apt-get are compared to a check sum / hash sum for that file to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with and is virus free.

Indeed the problems people have encountered when you google “sudo apt get hash sum” is too much security against viruses.

Linux is not completely virus free by any means however incidents are probably 1000 times less than windows.

Then again judging by my screen name I might be biased :)

Comment on November 28, 2017 mentions how Windows has 1,000 more workstations than Linux so why bother hacking Linux. It brings up the fact Linux is running on all 500 of the faster Super-Computers now and most Webservers are running Linux which makes it the best way to hack all the Windows workstations that attach to the internet.

Google Chrome, Android and Windows 10 gives users ample opportunity to give away their privacy and probably some security at the same time.

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