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Tag : battery  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Battery Charged at 97%
ID: /2016/09/06/Battery-Charged-at-97_
Created: September 6, 2016
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Last week my laptop battery was stuck at 97% charged for a few days.

Finally I got annoyed, unplugged it for 1/2 hour then plugged it back in. After awhile (wasn’t paying attention) it was fully charged, the charging led (front of laptop) went out and Ubuntu reports 100% charge.

The laptop is normally 100% charged as it’s always plugged in, never shutdown and simply put to sleep via lid close.

Have no idea how it got stuck at 97% in the first place, but unplugging it for 1/2 hour and letting it charge β€œfull speed ahead” allowed it to get over that 97% speed bump.

I think it more of a BIOS issue than Ubuntu or Linux.

More anecdotal and less scientific than the preceding answer but, hey it works for me.

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