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Views: 1,274ā€…    Votes:  4ā€…
Tags: partitioning   mount   ntfs  
Link: šŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ā§‰ šŸ”—

Title: Why does linux native file system prefer 'ExtFS' file system? What is the benefit over NTFS?
ID: /2016/10/12/Why-does-linux-native-file-system-prefer-_ExtFS_-file-system_-What-is-the-benefit-over-NTFS_
Created: October 12, 2016    Edited:  October 12, 2016
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Linux is free open source software. As such you find manufacturers such as Apple, Microsoft and Google will take that code and develop it for their own platforms.

On Linux the ext file system was created in April 1992. On Windows the ntfs file system was created in 1993. Some would say Microsoft Engineers could have looked at Linux systems as a model for their own code. Iā€™m not saying that though :)

Linux can read and write ntfs file systems but it is not a native file system and performance would be sub-standard in many instances. Plus you may have problems with permissions.

Anyway when using Ubuntu the best choice for the average user is ext4 (the fourth extended file system).

HTH (Hope This Helps)

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