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Views: 24,383β€…    Votes:  3β€…
Tags: boot   permissions   security   grub  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How is being able to break into any Linux machine through grub2 secure?
ID: /2016/10/26/How-is-being-able-to-break-into-any-Linux-machine-through-grub2-secure_
Created: October 26, 2016    Edited:  April 13, 2017
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Your intentional hack starts with this:

  1. When grub2 menu opens press β€˜e’ to edit the linux start options

But you can password protect the e option as discussed here: How to add the GRUB password protection to the OS load process instead of when editing boot options

You can take the extra step of encrypting the grub password as discussed in the link. Indeed with perhaps 3% of the population (wild guess) using Linux / Ubuntu at home it’s a good idea for System Administrators to protect against the e function on production systems at work. I imagine if Ubuntu is used at work then 30 to 40% would be using it at home too and maybe 10% of those will be learning how to do the e on their home systems.

Thanks to your question they have just learned more. With the link above though, System Administrators have another task on their to-do list to protect production environments.

⇧  Dist upgrade to fix dirty c0w vulnerability does not work  β‡©