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Tags: 16.04   dell   xps  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How can I debug frequent unrecoverable freezes?
ID: /2016/11/18/How-can-I-debug-frequent-unrecoverable-freezes_
Created: November 18, 2016
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How to install Kernel 4.8.5

Although 4.8.7 is the latest kernel, in this 500-post, 1 years long, bug log (Bug 109051 - intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes) it is reported not to work. Just yesterday someone posted they tried 4.8.7, it crashed so they went back to 4.8.6.

Although the bug log title is for β€œBay Trail” the solutions presented apply to other Intel platforms as users report. Because there are 582 posts spanning almost one year, I recommend pressing the End key after opening the link and scroll up from there.

I’ve been running 4.8.5 off and on again alongside with 4.4.0-47 for a couple of weeks and feel comfortable using either one. These are the instructions for installing kernel version 4.8.5:

cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
sudo reboot

You can install any kernel by visiting the site: ( and adapting the links there to the instructions above.

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