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Views: 4,238β€…    Votes:  8β€…
Tag : kernel  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Why are there two kernels under `/lib/modules` on 16.04 LTS?
ID: /2016/11/23/Why-are-there-two-kernels-under-__lib_modules_-on-16.04-LTS_
Created: November 23, 2016    Edited:  November 25, 2016
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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It is common to keep one older kernel version around in case the new one breaks.

The previous version is available on grub’s Advanced Options menu.

Kernels that Ubuntu automatically installs can be automatically removed by using:

sudo apt autoremove

This removes older kernels (that Ubuntu automatically installed) but keeps the current version and the one before it.

When you manually install kernels (often necessary to get new hardware support or address a certain β€œglitch” you have) you need to manually remove them.

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