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Views: 15,137β€…    Votes:  1β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: 16.04   bash   zenity  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How do i Create a Zenity form with a check list in it
ID: /2016/11/26/How-do-i-Create-a-Zenity-form-with-a-check-list-in-it
Created: November 26, 2016    Edited:  April 13, 2017
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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It would appear the --add-entry option is not supported when --list --checklist are used. I adapted your code to create:


zenity --list --checklist --title="Options"\
    --text="Select your features"\
    TRUE A\
    False B\

zenity --forms --title="Create user" --text="Add new user" \
   --add-entry="First Name" \
   --add-entry="Last Name" \
   --add-entry="Username" \
   --add-password="Password" \
   --add-password="Confirm Password" \

The first section you know what it looks like already. The second section looks like this:

Zenity Add Entry

The --add-entry works on --forms dialog box type but not on --list dialog box type.

Credit for –forms code to: (Post on Stack Exchange)

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