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Views: 623,200β€…    Votes:  20β€…
Tags: upgrade   kernel   updates   grub  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to update kernel to the latest mainline version without any Distro-upgrade?
ID: /2017/02/20/How-to-update-kernel-to-the-latest-mainline-version-without-any-Distro-upgrade_
Created: February 20, 2017    Edited:  February 25, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Contrary to some answers here Ubuntu releases the new kernel within a day or two of the main kernel team. I used to upgrade the hard way like some of the answers here suggest but I found this is an easier way.

Implications of manually installing Kernels

Manually installing kernels requires extra work.

There are reasons why you want to install the latest mainline kernel:

As of January 15, 2018 the latest stable mainline kernel is 4.14.13. At the time of writing many are interested to install it for protection against Meltdown security hole. If you choose to manually install it you should know:

Finding the latest kernel

Go to ( - Kernel PPA Mainline) and press the End key:

Mainline kernel 1

Now click on the link 4.9.8 (or a newer one if available when you read this) and the following appears:

mainline kernel 2

Note the links with the black airbrush marks. These are the three we will download for Ubuntu 16.04 64-Bit using Intel or AMD processors.

Installing using Terminal

Open a terminal session with Ctrl+Alt+T and use:

cd ~/Downloads # Change to your downloads directory
ll linux*.deb  # Check if any previous downloads still exist
rm linux*.deb  # Use this command if any previous downloads found

Now switch back to the download screen above and single-click on all three of the .deb kernel downloads. After downloads complete (you’ll see status in your browser) switch back to terminal session and use:

sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb
rm linux*.deb
sudo reboot

Voila! - you are running the latest kernel when the first option in grub boot menu is selected. Your older kernel versions are still available under grub’s Advanced Options menu.

After installing the newest kernel a dozen times you will ask the question β€œHow do I remove older kernel versions?” and you will find those answers here in Ask Ubuntu.

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