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Views: 1,213β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: permissions   password   gksu   policykit   visudo  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to see what pkaction a software uses
ID: /2017/02/25/How-to-see-what-pkaction-a-software-uses
Created: February 25, 2017    Edited:  April 13, 2017
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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Ask Ubuntu has this answer ([How to configure pkexec to not ask for password?][1]) that is closer to what you need than the link you found earlier.

As a quick example to finding the application, I’ll illustrate using my own script. I wanted to replace gksu which is being deprecated with pkexec so I wrote a wrapper script called gsu.

I invoke gsu from the command line with:

[![gsu pkexec][2]][2]

Notice the Details drop down arrow. Click it and this is revealed:

[![gsu pkexec details][3]][3]

In my example the pkla is controlled by org.gnome.gedit. I’ll use that in the next example, which you would replace with your own:

[![gsu pexec authorities][4]][4]

If you want to run without password prompt you would set the following:


On a personal note I don’t like repeatedly entering the password myself but will not change gedit to never ask for password when changing root files using pkexec. However I would like it to not repeatedly ask for password when running it many times in given session. You can do this with sudo and you can extend the period from 10 minutes to 120 minutes as I have done on my system. I would like similar functionality for policy kits. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:

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