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Views: 1,924β€…    Votes:  10β€…
Tags: boot   dual-boot  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Is it possible to boot dual mode on old laptop?
ID: /2017/07/08/Is-it-possible-to-boot-dual-mode-on-old-laptop_
Created: July 8, 2017    Edited:  June 12, 2020
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Dual Booting doesn’t double requirements

Dual Booting does not mean Windows 7 minimum requirements + Ubuntu minimum requirements = system minimum requirements.

Dual Booting minimum requirements are about 15 GB partition for Ubuntu and common applications. On my 16.04 I give Ubuntu a 30 GB partition out of 880 GB available.

If a Windows version will run a similar Ubuntu version will run

Running Windows 7 with 2 GB ram will be sluggish at times when loading multiple modern web browser pages and videos. The same will happen with a Ubuntu version running similar applications.

As others have mentioned there are scaled down versions of Ubuntu with smaller RAM requirements (starting at about 512 MB I believe) and you would be well served to investigate these versions.

Modest performance improvements

The best improvements to speed you could make on your rig are:

Note that on some machines upgrading may not be possible depending on system maximum limits.

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