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Tag : wireless  
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Title: Wifi available networks not showing up suddenly
ID: /2017/08/30/Wifi-available-networks-not-showing-up-suddenly
Created: August 30, 2017    Edited:  June 12, 2020
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Reset WiFi after long suspend period

A few months ago some of us discovered the network card (Ethernet) and wifi card would not reconnect if the laptop was suspended for a long period (+2 hours IIRC). For the 8 months prior to that, suspending and resuming worked perfectly.

This script is written for iwlwifi` which is the common Intel driver name. If your’s is different change that name below:


# NAME: /lib/systemd/system-sleep/iwlwifi-reset
# DESC: Resets Intel WiFi which can be flakey after a long suspend.
# DATE: Apr 1, 2017. Modified August 30, 2017.



restart_wifi() {
    /usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'restart_wifi BEGIN'
    /sbin/modprobe -v -r iwldvm # This removes iwlwifi too
    /sbin/modprobe -v iwlwifi   # This starts iwldvm too
#    systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
    /usr/bin/logger 'systemctl restart NetworkManager.service (SUPPRESSED)'
    /usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'restart_wifi END'

/usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'case=[' ${1}' ]'
case "${1}/${2}" in

NOTE: Sometimes simply resetting network manager is all that is needed. In that case un-comment the line above by removing #. Then comment out the two lines above it by putting # at the beginning of those two lines.

You’ll need to create this script, called iwlwifi-reset, with sudo powers and save it into the directory /lib/systemd/system-sleep. Then mark it executable using:

chmod a+x /lib/systemd/system-sleep/iwlwifi-reset
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