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Views: 475     Votes:  3 
Tags: dual-boot   grub2   nvidia   windows-8   reboot  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: After dual booting from Ubuntu to Windows nVidia GPU disappears?
ID: /2017/09/08/After-dual-booting-from-Ubuntu-to-Windows-nVidia-GPU-disappears_
Created: September 8, 2017
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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When you boot Ubuntu it powers off the nVidia GPU. When you reboot power remains off so Windows doesn’t see it. The same thing can happen with other devices when you reboot from Windows back to Grub and then Ubuntu.

The solution is to Shut Down and then Power On.

There is a reason why they call it “warm boot” versus “cold boot” and “soft boot” versus “hard boot”. This is just one example.

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