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Any file manager that can XOR two home folders?
October 18, 2017
Edited: June 12, 2020
February 15, 2025
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I’m setting up a new Win 10 laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 in dual boot that has a home folder and with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) using Xubuntu that has a home folder.
My goal is when booted with Ubuntu I want to be able to change files and have those reflected in WSL at the same time. When I’ve booted into Windows I want WSL changes to be reflected in Ubuntu at the same time.
Within WSL Ubuntu will be mounted. Within Ubuntu WSL will be mounted.
I have a “faint hope” that a file manager can virtually merge the two home folders, strip out the file names that are the same and leave me with the file names / directories names that are in one home folder (and sub-directories) but not the other (XOR).
The reason being:
- I don’t want to duplicate the same files between two different homes and have to synchronize them.
- Some files / documents with the same name must be unique to each environment and never synchronized. A likely candidate would be
should never be copied between environments as one uses Linux Kernel and the other uses NT kernel for machine stats.
I’m hoping to get Xubuntu running as a second Desktop within WSL. It should be able to run most file managers. I’m hoping I won’t have to dig into the source to XOR two home folders.
I think much of /usr/local/bin
will be only on the Ubuntu partition and symbolic links created from WS.
On a similar note I read once the same user name shouldn’t be used as a sub-directory under /home
on different partitions. ie having two /home/WinEunuuchs2Unix
is frowned upon? And the Windows one should be named /home/WinEunuuchs2Unix2WSL
for example? Real names would be shorter of course.
Initially there was some confusion on my question so I’ll define XOR
as best I can. It is an Assembler command (some insist on calling it Assembly Language) that means:
In one, or in another but NOT in both
Once you understand this instruction code you’ll see how I want to be presented with a list of files in my directory PLUS the list of files in the same directory name in on a DIFFERENT partition that do NOT exist on the current partition so I can edit any of the files simultaneously and NOT have to synchronize them because they do NOT exist in the current partition in the first place.
It’s probably a new invention in data processing so it makes my question misleading to most people which I apologize for. Ironically on the other hand, XOR is probably one of the oldest computer instruction codes on earth, dating back to the 1 vacuum tube = 1 bit of memory days I imagine.