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Tags: usb   17.10   hdmi   budgie  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Usb to hdmi cable that works for ubuntu 17.10?
ID: /2017/12/04/Usb-to-hdmi-cable-that-works-for-ubuntu-17.10_
Created: December 4, 2017
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I think HDMI over a 1.1 USB bus would be waayyyy to slow. Buy a brand new laptop with HDMI for $400 or one a couple years old for $100-$200 used. If you are talking desktop it’s even cheaper.

HDMI 1.0 bandwidth is 5 billion bits per second

USB 1.1 bandwidth is 12 million bits per second

So even if you could somehow make a physical connection the video you watch wouldn’t be 30 frames per second but rather one frame every 416 seconds.

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