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Views: 14,029     Votes:  9 
Tags: 16.04   unity   shortcut-keys   lock-screen  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Disable Ctrl-Alt-L's behavior of locking the screen
ID: /2018/02/19/Disable-Ctrl-Alt-L_s-behavior-of-locking-the-screen
Created: February 19, 2018    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Disable nothing and use meta key (aka Super or Windows key)

Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Meta+L and Ubuntu will ignore this for Lock Screen but your application will interpret it as Ctrl+Alt+L.

Disable Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu shortcuts

Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> System -> Lock Screen and hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z

ctrl+alt+L override.png

This will hopefully allow you to reassign the original key combination in another application.

To disable lock screen permanently


gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'true'


On my dual monitor system the lock screen no longer appears when pressing Ctrl+Alt+L. However the screens saver still kicks in and you have to move mouse, touch a key, etc to turn the monitors back on. Although a password is not required to unlock the screen it might be a bug.

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