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Views: 113β€…    Votes:  6β€…
Tags: backup   cloud  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to install Ubuntu One?
ID: /2018/03/12/How-to-install-Ubuntu-One_
Created: March 12, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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As per this article:

In April 2014, Canonical announced that the cloud storage and
synchronization features would be shut down at the end of July 31 of
2014, leaving the sign-on features intact.[4]

It would appear you need to find other cloud services for backup.

The same article lists other services that might interest you:

The Ubuntu One service was similar to services such as Microsoft
OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox, Google Play Music, Amazon Cloud Player. Its
client code was written in Python. It used Twisted for its low-level
networking and Protocol Buffers for protocol description. Data was
synced over a custom protocol called β€œu1storage”, and stored on Amazon

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