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Views: 2,087β€…    Votes:  3β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: gnome   bash   gsettings   zenity   yad  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Bash one-liner to display ALL `gsettings` in GUI dialog window
ID: /2018/03/18/Bash-one-liner-to-display-ALL-_gsettings_-in-GUI-dialog-window
Created: March 18, 2018    Edited:  March 19, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Yad works but not Zenity (yet)

I tried doing this with zenity but couldn’t figure it out. I managed to make it work with yad but after a couple of clock days had to turn to google groups to get help from the yad experts. They fixed my one-liner bash code in 12 hours!

If you don’t have yad installed already you need to use:

sudo apt install yad

yad lets you sort the list by any column in ascending/descending order. You can grab the scroll bar to quickly move up and down the list. The Up/Down arrow, PgUp, PgDn, Home and End keys navigate as expected.

The one-liner bash code

Here’s the bash one-liner code you can copy and paste into your terminal window:

gsettings list-recursively | sed 's/  */\n/;s/  */\n/;s/\&/\&/g' | yad --list --title "gsettings" --item-seperator='\n' --width=1800 --height=800 --wrap-width=600 --column=Group --column=Key --column=Setting --no-markup

This is for a 1080p display where the screen is 1920 pixels wide. If your screen is smaller, reduce the size of these arguments:

--width=1800 --height=800 --wrap-width=600

Sample output

When the yad scroll box opened I:

yad gsettings.png

The one-liner pays for itself right away

Here is the new gsettings I discovered:

$ gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power lid-close-suspend-with-external-monitor

The gsettings contradicts a systemd setting I have:

$ cat /etc/systemd/logind.conf | grep -i lidswitchdock | grep -vF "#"

dconf-editor a complete GUI application

There is also dconf-editor a full blown GUI you can use: What is dconf, what is its function, and how do I use it?

To summarize the link, install it using:

sudo apt install dconf-tools

The whole link is highly recommended reading and it covers gsettings in depth as well.

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