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Views: 165,607     Votes:  9 
Tags: display   samsung   screencast   smart-tv  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Samsung TV "Mirror Screen"
ID: /2018/03/23/Samsung-TV-_Mirror-Screen_
Created: March 23, 2018    Edited:  October 17, 2018
Upload: March 13, 2025    Layout:  post
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Google Chromecast is likely the best and cheapest option for mirroring your Ubuntu desktop to your TV. Here is a short youtube video.

For setting up in Ubuntu 16.04 there are other users to help out if you have a problem: Google cast on Ubuntu 16.04

Note there is a now a version 2, an ultra option and even an Ethernet option.

The cost (without options) is reasonable around $35 USD.

Although this is the recommended option for the OP, check your TV model first before buying a Google Chromecast. It could very well be your TV already has it built in. Also check your blu-ray player as some of them have Google Chromecast already built in too.



Google cast extension has been discontinued, now is integrated into Chrome/Chromium:


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