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Views: 2,887β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: kde   application-switcher   kde5   show-desktop  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Why show desktop (with alt tab) in kde renders alternatively two different things?
ID: /2018/04/07/Why-show-desktop-_with-alt-tab_-in-kde-renders-alternatively-two-different-things_
Created: April 7, 2018    Edited:  July 24, 2018
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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Alt+Tab is window selector Ubuntu and Windows but in KDE it shows the desktop. In Ubuntu Ctrl+Super+D will minimize all Windows and reveal the desktop (with icons).

The OP’s solution is to turn off desktop icons using:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false

Now there are no icons on the desktop at all, whether you minimize all Windows or not.

Another option is to install KDE add-on; kwin-addons in [K]ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt-get install kwin-addons

From Arch Linux this user writes:

So in KDE you can change the design of the Alt+Tab application
switcher. On my previous installation, I always used one called β€œLarge
Icons”, which was a Mac OS inspired application switcher that only
showed icons. In my installation this switcher is no longer available
(Settings -> Window Management -> Task Switcher). I can only select
Cover switch, Flip switch, Breeze and Breeze dark. Does anyone know
where that nice application switcher went?

The solution (which might be your original problem) could be β€œLarge Icons” as this screen (from the Arch Linux link) shows:


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