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Views: 249     Votes:  3 
Tags: apt   upgrade   mysql   php   nginx  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Is it safe to apt-get upgrade an all default LEMP?
ID: /2018/05/02/Is-it-safe-to-apt-get-upgrade-an-all-default-LEMP_
Created: May 2, 2018    Edited:  May 2, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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There are no 100% guarantees

If no one else has reported a problem you can be 99% sure. If you find via google search one user has a problem on a different hardware problem your certainty drops to 95%. If a user had a problem for your manufacturer your certainty drops to 90%. If the problem was for your model its 80%, your OS its 70%, etc.

Test, test and test. When finished test again.

The best way of testing is to come in after hours when the database is down and all users are signed off. Create a partition equal to the size of your programs and data. Clone the live partition to the test partition.

Run the upgrade on the test partition:

I think you get the picture. To assist in the cloning process you can refer to this script: Bash script to clone Ubuntu to new partition for testing 18.04 LTS upgrade. You can also boot with a Live USB and manually clone with live partition not mounted using the script as a reference coupled with other instructions from the Internet.

Note: The linked script was written on April 28 and works fine. I’m revising it with extra tests to validate the correct test partition is selected as a clone. Another revision is to display Source and Target partition OS version details. The final revision is to display rsync stats for deleted files which are relevant when re-cloning over top of a clone.

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