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Views: 615β€…    Votes:  2β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: kernel   vmware   ram   memory-usage   cache  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Is there a way of limiting the Kernel's memory manager to use only 75% of memory?
ID: /2018/05/03/Is-there-a-way-of-limiting-the-Kernel_s-memory-manager-to-use-only-75_-of-memory_
Created: May 3, 2018
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The only way I can think of is to tell the Kernel 25% of the memory is bad and not to use it.

This Unix & Linux Q&A has excellent instructions. Here is a snippet:

If there’s bad RAM at 802M and 807M, you can disable a 10M section of RAM starting at 800M like this:

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