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Views: 9,449β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: command-line   bash  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to get the location of a program in Ubuntu terminal?
ID: /2018/07/01/How-to-get-the-location-of-a-program-in-Ubuntu-terminal_
Created: July 1, 2018    Edited:  June 12, 2020
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As David Foerster already mentioned, you can use type -a which will show all the locations a given executable can be found in the active $PATH:

$ type -a now
now is /home/rick/bin/now
now is /mnt/e/bin/now

type -a will also identify if the command is a shell built-in. For example:

$ type -a test
test is a shell builtin
test is /usr/bin/test

type -a will also identify if the command is a shell keyword. For example:

$ type -a if
if is a shell keyword

type a lists programs, commands, shell built-ins and shell keywords in the hierarchal order they would be called depending on the $PATH environment variable. By changing PATH= to a different order it changes which version of the program is called. This is handy when you have production, development and test program versions on the same machine.

Program isn’t in $PATH

What if the program isn’t in your path? The fastest way of finding it is with the locate command:

$ locate .bashrc
/mnt/e/Temporary Work/.bashrc

I kind of cheated here because .bashrc isn’t a real executable, it’s a β€œsource” file to include in a bash script which is an executable. However it serves to illustrate appropriately.

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