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Views: 557     Votes:  2 
Tags: nvidia   graphics   amd-graphics   vga  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: How to install 2 Graphics drivers, and have Ubuntu detect and load which one (without conflict)
ID: /2018/08/12/How-to-install-2-Graphics-drivers_-and-have-Ubuntu-detect-and-load-which-one-_without-conflict_
Created: August 12, 2018
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Ubuntu automatically detects which GPU is installed in your machine. If you want a script to switch between Nvida and Intel drivers I’ve found one you can modify here: bauca/graphics-switcher

It will require the program glxinfo which you can get by installing:

sudo apt install mesa-utils

One key function in the bash script that will interest you is this one:

function CheckForCurrentVideoCardInUse {
	local _VIDEO_CARD=`glxinfo|egrep "OpenGL vendor|OpenGL renderer*"`
	if [[ $_VIDEO_CARD == *"NVIDIA"* && $_VIDEO_CARD == *"GeForce"* ]]; then
	elif [[ $_VIDEO_CARD == *"Intel"* ]]; then
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