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Tags: 18.04   intel   temperature   cpu-load  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Laptop CPU+GPU overheating after update to 18.04 LTS
ID: /2018/08/13/Laptop-CPU_GPU-overheating-after-update-to-18.04-LTS
Created: August 13, 2018    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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As mentioned on this thread tlp works wonders for keeping system under control. It works with thermald, Intel Powerclamp, Battery vs AC for USB power, etc. Although highly configurable I’ve never had to change the configuration settings for a pleasant Out-Of-The-Box experience. Prior to using it I had all kinds of problems with an IvyBridge laptop overheating all the time. I have it on my new Skylake laptop and the fans NEVER run except when doing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 18.04 upgrade.

You can get a very detailed write-up with installation instructions here: Stop cpu from overheating

As an aside I’ve read a few questions the last two weeks from people wanting to override the minimum frequency, maximum frequency or to fix the current frequency at a specific speed. As such I’ve decided to create a new bash+yad GUI project. A tab to display temperatures for all thermal zones and issuing notify-send (pop-up bubble messages) will be part of it. As well some sort of session log file for when you weren’t watching the screen might be kept.

I just had the idea 2 hours ago whilst rereading this thread. No promises on doing the project but I think a few people would like it and I would have a lot of fun :)

⇧ Ubuntu 18.04 gets always abort when I type y,Y,yes Use sleep with minutes and seconds  β‡©