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Views: 18,232β€…    Votes:  4β€…
Tags: drivers   alienware   keyboard-backlight  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: AlienFX on Ubuntu?
ID: /2018/08/15/AlienFX-on-Ubuntu_
Created: August 15, 2018    Edited:  June 12, 2020
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Update: July 20 2019

A deleted answer below points out how AW13R3 is not supported. It appears that AlienFXLite and PyALienFX have both been abandoned for a number of years.

I’ve found a github page for AKBL (Alienware Keyboard Lights) to control Alienware Light Effects. AKBL was updated just 10 days ago:


Sadly I’ve had this AW17R3 laptop for almost two years but have never found time to β€œplay with” the light effects. This new program AKBL looks promising as it’s written in Python and does some cool thing such as change light colors depending on the weather outside.

Some cool ideas off the top of my head would be setting colors based on CPU%:

Original Answer

I found this package: AlienFxLite

AlienFx lite.png

This software was initially developed for M15x and M17x laptops. The
latest modifications were tested on the M14x R2 and R3 laptops.

Disadvantage as you need to compile it.

There is also a newer package: alienfx



I’ll try to test this on my AW17R3 soon and report back.

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