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Tags: cpu   cpu-frequency  
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Title: Get all available frequency steps
ID: /2018/08/19/Get-all-available-frequency-steps
Created: August 19, 2018    Edited:  August 19, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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I’ve searched around and as comments say there doesn’t appear to be a table of frequencies maintained anymore.

Assuming the frequencies are scaled linearly you can approximate them by looking at the directories.

To assist in typing create this alias:

alias cpuinfo="paste <(ls *) <(cat *) | column -s $'\t' -t"

First discover the number of frequency steps

$ cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate
$ cpuinfo
max_perf_pct  100
min_perf_pct  22
no_turbo      0
num_pstates   28
status        active
turbo_pct     33

We have 28 frequency steps determined by num_pstates.

Now look at min and max frequency MHz which can change based on Turbo Boost enabled/disabled state:

cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
$ cpuinfo
affected_cpus                             0
cpuinfo_max_freq                          3500000
cpuinfo_min_freq                          800000
cpuinfo_transition_latency                4294967295
energy_performance_available_preferences  default performance balance_performance balance_power power 
energy_performance_preference             balance_performance
related_cpus                              0
scaling_available_governors               performance powersave
scaling_cur_freq                          837225
scaling_driver                            intel_pstate
scaling_governor                          powersave
scaling_max_freq                          3500000
scaling_min_freq                          800000
scaling_setspeed                          <unsupported>

I may write a script later to display frequencies automatically but to do it by hand this way:

Script to list frequencies

You can copy and paste this function into your terminal:

ApproximateFrequencies () {
    NumSteps=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/num_pstates)
    MinFreq=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq)
    MaxFreq=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq)
    StepRate=$((( $MaxFreq - $MinFreq ) / $NumSteps))
    for ((n=0;n<=$NumSteps;n++)); do
        echo $LastFreq
        LastFreq=$(( $LastFreq + $StepRate))

Then run the function using ApproximateFrequencies:

 . . .

Better still pipe through column command if you have it installed:

$ ApproximateFrequencies | column
800000	1089284	1378568	1667852	1957136	2246420	2535704	2824988	3114272	3403556
896428	1185712	1474996	1764280	2053564	2342848	2632132	2921416	3210700	3499984
992856	1282140	1571424	1860708	2149992	2439276	2728560	3017844	3307128
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