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Views: 2,682β€…    Votes:  1β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: command-line   cpu   cache  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to clear L1, 2 & 3 cache
ID: /2018/10/04/How-to-clear-L1_-2-_-3-cache
Created: October 4, 2018
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From: Way to flush/ clear the RAM and cache memories

It is not possible to do this with complete effectiveness at user
level. Performance counters in the uncore can be used to derive the
mapping of physical addresses to L3 slices (CBos) for any address
range that the user can allocate and test, but that only tells you
which CBo is being used, not which congruence class within that slice
is being used. The size of the L3 slices suggests a straightforward
mapping, but I don’t know of any demonstrations that confirm the
internal mapping.

At the gross level, on Xeon E5 v3 systems, reading an array that is 4x
larger than the L3 cache size will clear nearly 100% of the prior data
from the L1, L2, and L3 caches. This only requires process binding
(e.g., β€œtaskset” or β€œnumactl –physcpubind” on Linux systems).

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