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Views: 54β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tag : software-installation  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to tell which installation guide is legit?
ID: /2018/10/26/How-to-tell-which-installation-guide-is-legit_
Created: October 26, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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I think the best course of action is to pull up your boot-straps, run the installation program and post any questions here if you have a problem.

If you are concerned about a specific program / app / snap then post a question here. Hopefully those familiar with it will post an answer. At the very least some helpful souls will find some links of interest and post them as comments.

Asking for a list of all β€œdoggy” programs is subjective. What is more practical is a list of programs that don’t work in certain environments which might be applicable to some and irrelevant to others.

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