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Tags: nautilus   thumbnails  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Nautilus: Show image thumbnails at more than 200% size
ID: /2018/12/07/Nautilus_-Show-image-thumbnails-at-more-than-200_-size
Created: December 7, 2018
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Here is a script that is easier for β€œgrandma” to use:

zoom - Script to set Nautilus Thumbnail size


# NAME: zoom
# DESC: Change nautilus thumbnail size based on parameter 1
#       For Ask Ubuntu question:
#       /nautilus-show-images-with-more-than-200-size

# DATE: December 7, 2018

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
    echo "Usage: 'zoom 999'" 
    echo "Where 999 is zoom factor, eg 400 = 400% zoom"
    exit 1

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.icon-view thumbnail-size "$1"
nautilus -q

exit 0

Installation and Usage

Place the file zoom in your search path.

Mark the file executable with chmod a+x /search-path-name/zoom

Call the script from terminal using zoom 999 where 999 is the zoom factor. For example zoom 400 will have nautilus zoom by 400%.

The script can be enhanced to use zenity for a desktop shortcut with GUI pop up window that prompts for zoom percentage.

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