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Views: 6,757β€…    Votes:  10β€…
Tag : apt  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Can 'sudo apt-get remove [write]' destroy my Ubuntu?
ID: /2019/05/10/Can-_sudo-apt-get-remove-_write__-destroy-my-Ubuntu_
Created: May 10, 2019    Edited:  May 11, 2019
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Before doing an sudo apt-get, it is wise to do a simulation:

$ apt-get remove [write] -s | wc -l

There are nearly 65,280 packages that qualify for removal if installed on your system. [write] is a search pattern for Regex matching causing every package to be selected if it contains:

Output is piped to the Word Count command with ` wc -l. Output lines from apt-get are suppressed by wc. The -l switch instructs wc` to only print count of lines and not word count or character count.

Simulation is specified with the -s flag. You can also use the --simulate flag for greater readability. Another advantage of a simulation is you don’t need sudo powers which many of us have learned can be dangerous at times.

To get an idea of the package names involved pipe output to the less command:

$ apt-get remove [write] --simulate | less

NOTE: This is only a simulation!
      apt-get needs root privileges for real execution.
      Also keep in mind that locking is deactivated,
      so don't depend on the relevance to the real current situation!
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package 'libpam-pin' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'activity-log-manager-common' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'libnet-patricial-perl' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'pe' is not installed, so not removed

   (.... Plus 65,269 more packages ....)
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