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Views: 3,683β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: partitioning   hard-drive   format  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How do I identify the partitions of my hard drive in order to then shred them all?
ID: /2019/05/13/How-do-I-identify-the-partitions-of-my-hard-drive-in-order-to-then-shred-them-all_
Created: May 13, 2019
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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To get a more meaningful report from lsblk without the noise from dozens of loop devices use:

$ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,SIZE,MODEL | egrep -v "^loop"

nvme0n1                                           477G Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB               
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p9  swap                    [SWAP]       7.9G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p7  ext4   Old_Ubuntu_16.04 /mnt/old    23.1G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p5  ntfs                                 859M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p3                                        16M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p1  ntfs                                 450M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p8  ntfs   Shared_WSL+Linux /mnt/e         9G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p10 ext4   Ubuntu_18.04     /mnt/clone  27.2G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p6  ext4   New_Ubuntu_16.04 /           45.1G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p4  ntfs   NVMe_Win10       /mnt/c     363.2G 
└─nvme0n1p2  vfat                    /boot/efi     99M 
sr0                                              1024M DVD+/-RW DW316  
sda                                             931.5G HGST HTS721010A9
β”œβ”€sda4       ntfs   WINRETOOLS                    450M 
β”œβ”€sda2                                            128M 
β”œβ”€sda5       ntfs   Image                        11.4G 
β”œβ”€sda3       ntfs   HGST_Win10       /mnt/d       919G 
└─sda1       vfat   ESP                           500M 
⇧ dkms failure because gcc version is newer than that used to compile kernel GUI or simple Bash script to throttle the CPU?  β‡©