The Cookie Machine - Click here to drag window

DUMMY TEXT - Real text set in assets/js/theCookieMachine.js

If you can read me, I'm broken!

Views: 2,515β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: multiple-monitors   display   mate   ubuntu-mate   desktop-icons   iconic  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: added display moves icons to extended desktop
ID: /2019/06/07/added-display-moves-icons-to-extended-desktop
Created: June 7, 2019
Upload: September 15, 2024    Layout:  post
TOC: false    Navigation:  false    Copy to clipboard:  false

I wrote iconic to solve this problem by letting you move icons to any one of three monitors. Additionally it will:

You can get the script on github.

Here’s the main screen:

iconic main menu.png

Visit the github page for iconic to see all the other screens, explanations and a copy of the script.

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