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Views: 73,127β€…    Votes:  5β€…
Tags: 16.04   multiple-monitors   brightness   hdmi  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Changing the screen brightness of the external screen
ID: /2019/06/12/Changing-the-screen-brightness-of-the-external-screen
Created: June 12, 2019    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Rather than plugging in a brightness level for xrandr you can use this bash script to adjust the brightness up or down in steps.

Copy bash script below to a file called bright

Then mark it executable with chmod a+x bright

Bash Script


MON="DP-1-1"    # Discover monitor name with: xrandr | grep " connected"
STEP=5          # Step Up/Down brightnes by: 5 = ".05", 10 = ".10", etc.

CurrBright=$( xrandr --verbose --current | grep ^"$MON" -A5 | tail -n1 )
CurrBright="${CurrBright##* }"  # Get brightness level with decimal place

Left=${CurrBright%%"."*}        # Extract left of decimal point
Right=${CurrBright#*"."}        # Extract right of decimal point

[[ "$Left" != 0 && "$STEP" -lt 10 ]] && STEP=10     # > 1.0, only .1 works
[[ "$Left" != 0 ]] && MathBright="$Left"00          # 1.0 becomes "100"
[[ "${#Right}" -eq 1 ]] && Right="$Right"0          # 0.5 becomes "50"
MathBright=$(( MathBright + Right ))

[[ "$1" == "Up" || "$1" == "+" ]] && MathBright=$(( MathBright + STEP ))
[[ "$1" == "Down" || "$1" == "-" ]] && MathBright=$(( MathBright - STEP ))
[[ "${MathBright:0:1}" == "-" ]] && MathBright=0    # Negative not allowed
[[ "$MathBright" -gt 999  ]] && MathBright=999      # Can't go over 9.99

if [[ "${#MathBright}" -eq 3 ]] ; then
    MathBright="$MathBright"000         # Pad with lots of zeros
    MathBright="$MathBright"000         # Pad with lots of zeros

xrandr --output "$MON" --brightness "$CurrBright"   # Set new brightness

# Display current brightness
printf "Monitor $MON "
echo $( xrandr --verbose --current | grep ^"$MON" -A5 | tail -n1 )

Call the script with:

Hopefully the bash / shell commands can easily be googled for education but if any questions don’t hesitate to ask :)

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