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Views: 510     Votes:  3     ✅ Solution
Tags: bashrc   windows-subsystem-for-linux  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: WSL: Is there a conditional to detect "Open Linux Shell Here" case?
ID: /2019/08/01/WSL_-Is-there-a-conditional-to-detect-_Open-Linux-Shell-Here_-case_
Created: August 1, 2019    Edited:  August 2, 2019
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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I would change the ~/.bashrc enhancement to something like this:

if [[ "$CurrDir" == "$SystemDir" ]]
    cd /path/to/sensible-dir-name

Where $SystemDir is your System32 directory. Always remember how \ and / differ between Windows and Linux paths:

Suggests using:

sed -e 's#^J:##' -e 's#\\#/#g'

That said in your instance you could probably hard-code the path.

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