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Views: 770β€…    Votes:  8β€…
Tag : system-installation  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS in start up
ID: /2019/09/11/Ubuntu-18.04.3-LTS-in-start-up
Created: September 11, 2019    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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Yes it is free as stated many times here:


In a 200 person company at $100K per head (salary + benefits + cost of desk space) it’s a 20 million per year cost just for that plus inventory, warehousing, offices, consultants and contractors. The $50 cost x 200 machines for Windows is the least of your concerns.

Your computer systems will cost millions for accounting, operations and mission critical applications.

Your senior executives will cost $250K + and will come with their own preferences for JD Edwards running on AS/400, or SX.e running on Windows/Linux or Navision on Windows, or SAP on a variety of platforms.

Chances are 100 to 1 the people you hire that know spreadsheets (a big part of business) will know Microsoft’s Excel and not Ubuntu’s offerings.

So the cost of $50 / seat Windows 10 is really a moot point IMHO.

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