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Views: 12,261     Votes:  16     ✅ Solution
Tags: scripts   text-editor  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Is there a text editor that can run shell scripts?
ID: /2019/11/13/Is-there-a-text-editor-that-can-run-shell-scripts_
Created: November 13, 2019    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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Gedit Plug-ins

Use gedit external terminal plug-in

You can use gedit with terminal plugin. The steps are fairly straight-forward:

  1. Enable “Universe” repository
  2. Install gedit-plugins
  3. Activate “Embedded Terminal”
  4. Use Ctrl+F9 to open terminal
  5. Other gedit plug-ins

Step 1. Enable “Universe” repository

The first step is to ensure Universe repository is activated from Settings->Software & Updates->Ubuntu Software and ensure the third option is checked:

gedit plugins repository.png

Step 2. Install gedit-plugins

Install gedit-plugs with the command:

sudo apt install gedit-plugins

Step 3. Activate “Embedded Terminal”

Open gedit (don’t use sudo) and select Edit->Preferences->Plugins and check off Embedded Terminal:

gedit embedded terminal.png

Step 4. Use Ctrl+F9 to open terminal

In the GIF below we use Ctrl+F9 to get a tiny window with the command prompt. Use the mouse to drag the dividing line up.

gedit terminal plugin.gif

Step 5. Other gedit plug-ins

As mentioned in Step 4., you can grab the separator bar to make the terminal window bigger. Here’s what it looks like in a normal picture ((not a GIF).

There are three other plug-ins I currently use in the gedit coding window:

gedit teriminal line wrap.png

For further reading please see:

⇧ Is there a command to list all users? Also to add, delete, modify users, in the terminal? Why do some applications have files with no extension?  ⇩