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Tag : sudo  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Adding new sudo insults
ID: /2019/11/15/Adding-new-sudo-insults
Created: November 15, 2019
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You can add new insults only by replacing existing insults of equal or greater length.

From the second answer in your link are these phrases:

ins_2001.h (2001 Space Odyssey insults):

 * HAL insults (paraphrased) from 2001.  
"Just what do you think you're doing Dave?",  
"It can only be attributed to human error.",  

Find the file

$ grepall "Just what do you think you're doing Dave?"
Binary file /usr/lib/sudo/ matches

OK we now know the file name. That was the easy part.

Backup the file

First make a backup (because we always remember to do that right?):

$ sudo cp -a /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers{.so,.so.bak}

$ ll /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers{.so,.so.bak}
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316768 Oct 11 06:01 /usr/lib/sudo/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316768 Oct 11 06:01 /usr/lib/sudo/

Make the script

Then make our script called sudoinsults:


# NAME: sudoinsult
# PATH: $HOME/askubuntu/
# DESC: For:
# DATE: November 14, 2019.

# NOTE: Change sudo insults to personal favorites

# Build array of insults from disk
IFS=$'\n' Arr=( $(cat sudoinsult.txt) )

# Initialize variables
Spaces="                                                                     "
Spaces="$Spaces""                                                            "

[[ ${#Arr[@]} -gt 0 ]] && upper=$(( ${#Arr[@]} - 1 ))
[[ $upper -gt 0 ]] && for (( i=0; i<upper; i=i+2 )) ; do
    Search="${Arr[i]}"      # Move array indices to named variables
    Replace="${Arr[i+1]}"   #  for a simpler life.

    printf "Replacing: '%s'\n     With: '%s'\n" "$Search" "$Replace"
    if [[ "${#Search}" -lt "${#Replace}" ]] ; then
        echo "Replacement can't be longer than original"
    elif [[ "${#Search}" -lt 8 ]] ; then
        echo "Original insult cannot be less than 8 characters"
    elif [[ "${#Search}" -gt "${#Spaces}" ]] ; then
        echo "Original insult cannot be longer than ${#Spaces} characters"
    elif [[ "${#Replace}" -lt 1 ]] ; then
        echo "Replacement insult cannot be less than 1 character"
    elif ! grep "$Search" "$File" >/dev/null ; then
        echo "Search insult not found in $File"

    # Pad replacement with spaces as needed.
    ReplaceS="$Replace${Spaces:0:$((${#Search} - ${#Replace}))}"
    [[ "${#ReplaceS}" -ne "${#Search}" ]] && \
        { echo Internal error ReplaceS different length than Search; exit; }

# Looks wrong:
#y="${y:0:40}${forty:0:$((40 - ${#y}))}"
#echo "'${y}'"
    sed -i "s/$Search/$ReplaceS/" "$File"
    (( InsultCount++ ))

if [[ $upper -gt 0 ]] ; then
    echo "$InsultCount Insults replaced."
    echo "Insult file (sudoinsult.txt) does not exist or only has one line." >2

Create the datafile

Hopefully no need to explain how to create a text file (hint: gedit)

$ cat sudoinsult.txt

Just what do you think you're doing Dave?
Just what do you think you're doing Rick?
It can only be attributed to human error.
It can only be attributed to the beer.

Run the script and check results

$ sudo ./sudoinsult

Replacing: 'Just what do you think you're doing Dave?'
     With: 'Just what do you think you're doing Rick?'
Replacing: 'It can only be attributed to human error.'
     With: 'It can only be attributed to the beer.'
2 Insults replaced.

$ ll /usr/lib/sudo/sudoers{.so,.so.bak}

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316768 Nov 14 17:43 /usr/lib/sudo/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316768 Oct 11 06:01 /usr/lib/sudo/

$ grep "Just what do you think you're doing Rick?" /usr/lib/sudo/

Binary file /usr/lib/sudo/ matches

$ grep "It can only be attributed to the beer." /usr/lib/sudo/

Binary file /usr/lib/sudo/ matches
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