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Views: 9,711β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: disk-usage   storage  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: / is full. How do I find out what's taking up space?
ID: /2019/11/23/_-is-full.-How-do-I-find-out-what_s-taking-up-space_
Created: November 23, 2019
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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The other answer recommends installing ncdu which appears to be a great tool and loved by many users. However this is a β€œCatch 22” situation because when you are out of disk space you usually can’t install a program to find out why because… you have no disk space.

The only option is to use a program already installed:

$ sudo du -cha --max-depth=1 --exclude=/mnt / 2>/dev/null

40M 	/core
1.7G	/var
6.5M	/dev
15M 	/bin
3.4M	/tmp
681M	/opt
6.5G	/usr
4.4G	/lib
3.9M	/lib32
17M 	/root
15M 	/etc
1.1G	/boot
12G 	/home
13M 	/sbin
1.8M	/run
26G 	/
26G 	total
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