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Views: 6,325β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: command-line   power-management   shutdown  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Is using the shutdown command to turn off the system safe?
ID: /2019/11/28/Is-using-the-shutdown-command-to-turn-off-the-system-safe_
Created: November 28, 2019
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YES it is safe but…

Shutdown does more than simply flush unwritten data from RAM to disk. In some installations it can be setup to run custom jobs:

But as an answer here points out:

The shutdown halt option (designated by shutdown -h in your question) does flush all the buffers and safely unmount the disks but it doesn’t actually turn off the machine. To do that use:


halt means flush buffers, unmount drives, close all processes in a
graceful way. But not power off (though some systems may power off
anyway). So the hardware is still provided with power.

After halt a hard power off (pressing the power button or unplugging
the power supply) will not damage the system, because it is already
halted in a graceful way.

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