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Title: 4 clicks to shut down Ubuntu - can we reduce this?
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Sony TV remote suspends laptop

This answer is based on IoT (Inernet of Things).

tvpowered (TV controls power to the computer) is a bash script. When you press the power button on your Sony TV remote:

Additionally the tvpowered script will:

volume change.gif

Please note this only works with Sony Bravia TVs.

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When TV is turned off tvpowered automatically suspends, hibernates or powers off the laptop. Change the setting of SCTL global variable to control which action is taken.

tvpowered should be run as a normal user and called in Startup Applications.

Program design is straight forward:

  1. Wait for TV to be powered on.
  2. Begin fully active operation.
  3. Check if TV is powered off. If off go to step 5.
  4. Sleep for 3 seconds and repeat step 3.
  5. Suspend or Poweroff system when TV is powered off.
  6. If resuming from suspend go back to step 1.

In between these steps pop-up bubble messages appear on Desktop and are also logged to journalctl:

$ journalctl -xe | grep tvpower

Jun 11 18:11:20 tvpowered[27398]: TV is powered on. 'tvpowered' is now waiting for TV to power off.
Jun 11 18:11:47 tvpowered[28229]: TV Powered off. 'systemctl suspend' being called.
Jun 11 18:11:47 tvpowered[28238]: System powered back up. Checking if TV powered on. './tvpowered'.
Jun 11 18:12:26 tvpowered[31672]: TV is powered on. 'tvpowered' is now waiting for TV to power off.

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tvpowered script

Copy and paste the script into a file on your computer and mark it executable with:

chmod a+x /path/to/tvpowered

Where /path/to/ is the directory name you created the file in.

You can also user your file manager (like Nautilus) to make the file executable.

In the script below there are a few constants you will need to set:

SCTL=suspend        # systemctl paramater: suspend or poweroff
IP=     # IP address for Sony TV on LAN
ADB_IP= # IP address for Google TV on LAN for Android Debug Bridge
PWRD=123            # Password for Sony TV IP Connect

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tvpowered complete bash script


# NAME: tvpowered
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin) OR /mnt/e/bin/
# DESC: When TV is powered off automatically suspend the laptop.
# DATE: June 9, 2020.  Modified March 30, 2023.
# NOTE: Written for Ask Ubuntu question:
#       4-clicks-to-shut-down-ubuntu-can-we-reduce-this

# UPDT: Jun 10 2020: Make name politically correct for Microsoft guidelines.
#       Change name from 'slave2tv' to 'tvpowered'. Abandon approach of polling
#       i2c, drm, i915, nvidia, xrandr, etc to see if monitor turned off. Setup
#       WiFi on TV instead and use Sony REST API to communicate TV status.

#       Jun 11 2020: Add pop-up bubble status messages. Add dependencies.
#       Add TenMinuteSpam. Add WaitUserSignOn. Add $SCTL constant. Convert
#       in-line code to mainline format.

#       Oct 03 2020: If ethernet disconnected we don't want to suspend.
#       Add TenMinuteSpam. Add WaitUserSignOn. Add $SCTL constant. Convert
#       in-line code to mainline format.

#       Oct 18 2020: If WiFi disconnected we don't want to suspend.

#       Dec 23 2020: After resume turn off picture with power savings.

#       Dec 31 2020: Fast popping bubble messages when volume changes.

#       Jan 09 2021: Improve performance and reduce system resources.

#       Jan 31 2021: Switch from /tmp to /run/user/1000 (RAM).

#       Mar 13 2023: New IP address 19 after power outage.

#       Mar 26 2023: Change volume partial UTF-8 ticks from 4 to 8.

#       Mar 28 2023: Change call to `pictureoff`

#       Mar 30 2023: Google TV to sleep (TV Remote Power Off).

# Sources:


SCTL=suspend        # systemctl parameter: 'suspend' or 'poweroff'
IP=     # IP address for Sony TV on LAN
ADB_IP= # IP address for Google TV on LAN for Android Debug Bridge
PWRD=123            # Password for Sony TV IP Connect (Pre-Shared key)

# Must have curl package.
command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'curl' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 2; }

# Must have notify-send from libnotify-bin package
command -v notify-send >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'libnotify-bin' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 3; }

# Must have adb (Android Debug Bridge) package
command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'adb' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 4; }

cURLit () {

    # $1 = JSON String in pretty format converted to file for cURL --data.
    # $2 = Sony subsystem to talk to, eg accessControl, audio, system, etc.
    # 3  = variable name to receive reply from TV

    local TEMP Result ReturnState

    # Declare mathres as reference to argument 3 provided (Bash 4.3 or greater)
    declare -n Result=$3  # ERROR: declare: `': not a valid identifier

    # Create temporary file in RAM for curl command
    TEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/run/user/1000 tvpowered.XXXXXXXX)
    echo "$1" > "$TEMP"

    # -s = silent
    Result=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \
             -H "X-Auth-PSK: $PWRD" \
             --data @"$TEMP" \
    # echo "Result: $Result"    # Remove leading # for debugging
    # TO-DO: check $? and if non-zero pop up dialog with $TEMP contents
    rm "$TEMP"

    # Test string
#curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Auth-PSK: 123" --data "{ "method": "getPowerStatus", "id": 50, "params": [], "version": "1.0" }"
} # cURLit

GetPowerStatus () {

    local Reply ReturnState

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerStatus",
                "id": 50,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system" Reply    # No $ for Reply variable! pass pointer
    ReturnState="$?"                    # Usually '6', not checked.

    #echo "ReturnState: $ReturnState Reply: $Reply"    # Remove # for debugging
    # Reply: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":50}
    #    or: {"result":[{"status":"standby"}],"id":50}

    # Does 'active' substring exist in TV's reply?
    [[ "${Reply#*active}" != "$Reply" ]] && return 0

    # TV is turned off (standby) or no network (blank)
    return 1
} # GetPowerStatus

GetVolume () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getVolumeInformation",
                "id": 33,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "audio" Reply

    # Sample output:
    #   Volume:, {"result":[[{"target":"speaker","volume":44,"mute":false,
    #   "maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0},{"target":"headphone","volume":15,
    #   "mute":false,"maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0}]],"id":33}


    return $Volume

} # GetVolume

Bar=""                          # Global Volume Level bar

VolumeBar () {

    Bar=""                      # Progress Bar / Volume level
    Len=25                      # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
    Div=4                       # Divisor into Volume for # of full blocks
    Fill="▒"                    # Fill background up to $Len
    Parts=8                     # Divisor into  Volume for # of part blocks
    # UTF-8 left blocks: 1, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
    Arr=("█" "▏" "▎" "▍" "▌" "▋" "▊" "█")

    FullBlock=$((${1} / Div))   # Number of full blocks
    PartBlock=$((${1} % Parts)) # Size of partial block (array index)

    while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}"     # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
        (( FullBlock-- ))       # Decrement full blocks counter

    # If remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
    if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then

    while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar$Fill"         # Pad Progress Bar with fill character

} # VolumeBar

log () {
    logger --id=$$ -t "tvpowered" "$1"
} # log

WaitForSignOn () {

    # tvpowered might be loaded during boot. The user name is required
    # for sending popup bubble messages and dialogs to screen. We must
    # wait until user signs on to get .Xauthority file settings.

    # code lifted from
    SpamOn=10       # Causes 10 iterations of 2 second sleep

    # Wait for user to sign on then get Xserver access for xrandr calls
    while [[ $UserName == "" ]]; do

        # Find UserName currently logged in.
        UserName="$(who -u | grep -F '(:0)' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')"
        [[ $UserName != "" ]] && break

        sleep "$SpamLength"
        TotalWait=$(( TotalWait + SpamLength ))

    if [[ $TotalWait != "0" ]] ; then
        log "Waited $TotalWait seconds for $UserName to login."
        xhost local:root
        export XAUTHORITY="/home/$UserName/.Xauthority"

} # WaitForSignOn


TenMinuteSpam () {

    # If TV not powered up Spam user for 10 minutes that 'tvpowered' is running
    # and will shut down / suspend system

    WaitForSignOn   # Might be called by root during boot before user signed on.

    while : ; do

        if GetPowerStatus ; then
            log "TV is powered on. 'tvpowered' is now waiting for TV to power off."
            # Spam user every 60 seconds
            (( $(( Cnt % 20 )) == 0 )) && \
                notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                    -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:startup \
                    --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
                    "TV not communicating.\n Checking TV again..."
        sleep 3
        (( Cnt++ ))
    VolumeBar $LastVolume
    notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
        --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
        "Fully activated.\n System will $SCTL when TV powered off.  Volume: $LastVolume $Bar"

    adb connect "$ABD_IP"  # Connect to Google TV.
    return 0

} # TenMinuteSpam

#            MAINLINE             #

Main () {

    echo "$0: Initialization. Ensuring TV is powered on before starting."
    echo "$0: Fully activated. Waiting for TV to powered off and then $SCTL."
    echo "$0: LastVolume: $LastVolume"

    VolumeCnt=0             # TV Remote changed volume, so shorter sleep

    while : ; do

        if ! GetPowerStatus; then

            # START FROM ABOVE: 
            # This was causing 2% CPU drain with Network Manager and
            # debus-daemon. So move from above GetPowerStatus to below.

            # If network down then wait for it to come up. 
            #etherup=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/carrier) # Returns 1 even disconnected
            #wifi_up=$(cat /sys/class/net/w*/carrier)
            #if [[ $etherup <> "1" && $wifi_up <> "1" ]] ; then
            state=$(nmcli -f STATE -t g)            # Network manager takes .5 CPU
            if [[ $state == disconnected ]] ; then
                # Spam user every 60 * Cot seconds
                notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                    -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:startup \
                    --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
                    "Internet not up.\nChecking Ethernet and/or  WiFi state again..."
                sleep $((Cnt * 60))
                (( Cnt++ ))
                Cnt=0                               # Reset timer for next loop

            # END FROM ABOVE: If network down then wait for it to come up

            state=$(nmcli -f STATE -t g)        # Network manager takes .5 CPU
            if [[ $state == disconnected ]] ; then
                echo "Unexpected disconnect, aborting suspend."
                log "TV Powered off. 'systemctl $SCTL' being called."
                adb connect "$ABD_IP"  # Connect to Google TV.
                adb shell input keyevent 26  # Google TV to sleep (remote off)
                systemctl "$SCTL"
                # systemctl will suspend. When resuming we hit next line
                log "System powered back up. Checking if TV powered on. '$0'."
                sleep 10                        # Time to wake from suspend
                TenMinuteSpam                   # Wait for network connection
                pictureoff                      # Picture off energy saving

        # echo CurrVolume: $CurrVolume LastVolume: $LastVolume

        if [[ "$CurrVolume" != "$LastVolume" ]] ; then
            # Make volume bar using progress bar methods
            VolumeBar $CurrVolume
            # Ask Ubuntu:
            notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
                --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/audio-speakers.png \
                "Volume: $CurrVolume $Bar"
            VolumeCnt=100  # For 1 second, faster checks for volume change
            # TODO: Process VolumeCnt internally in loop instead of larger loop

        if [[ $VolumeCnt > 0 ]]; then
            (( VolumeCnt-- ))

        sleep $SleepTime

        # Next iteration

    exit 0

} # Main

Main "$@"

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I was inspired by OP’s question and never realized how cumbersome and time-consuming my end of day suspend process used to be:

  1. Find where the cursor is on on one of three monitors
  2. Navigate to top right of whichever monitor and left click Cog menu
  3. Pull mouse down to suspend option
  4. Click suspend (being careful not to click shutdown next to it!)
  5. Power off Sony TV
  6. Power off Toshiba TV

tvpowered has eliminated time consuming steps 1. through 4.

EDIT: A website was made to document tvpowered

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Bonus - Turn of Light Behind TV

For nighttime viewing, there is a light behind the TV. Whenever the laptop goes to sleep, it first shuts off the light.

Create the script /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/smartplug_off and place into it:


# NAME: smartplug_off
# PATH: /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d
# DESC: Turn off smartplug light power for TV light
# DATE: March 7, 2020.

# CALL: Called by Network Manager before going down. Network manager in turn
#       is called by systemd during suspend/hibernate/shutdown

# NOTE: and must be installed for hs100 tp-link power plug.


status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then
    : # Nothing to do already off
elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
    echo Error not responding check connection and IP "$PlugName".

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