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Views: 117β€…    Votes:  3β€…
Tag : libnotify  
Link: πŸ” See Original Question on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Wall broadcast message in terminal to desktop popup message?
ID: /2020/06/24/Wall-broadcast-message-in-terminal-to-desktop-popup-message_
Created: June 24, 2020
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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I’ll receive a wall broadcast message like this in my terminal:

Broadcast message from rick@dell (somewhere) (Tue Jun 23 19:21:32 2020):       
If no activity, shutdown in: 15 minute(s).

Can a job be running on my machine that watches my terminal screen for messages like this and issue a desktop popup bubble message with libnotify send?

The message may have already scrolled off the screen if a batch job is running.

I know I can install ssh server on my local machine and the server/remote host can issue libnotify sends instead of wall broadcasts but that isn’t my first choice. I also know I can use nc (netcast) but that is less appealing.

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