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Views: 63,535β€…    Votes:  2β€…
Tags: permissions   sudo   chmod  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: What if I accidentally run command "chmod -R" on system directories (/, /etc, ...)
ID: /2020/07/01/What-if-I-accidentally-run-command-_chmod-R_-on-system-directories-___-_etc_-/What-if-I-accidentally-run-command-_chmod-R_-on-system-directories-___-_etc_-..._
Created: July 1, 2020
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There is a closed question (with a great answer) as duplicate of this one from:

As such I will give Terdon the credit but here is my own answer based his.

During development of a new script, the variable $TMP_DIRECTORY/ had unexpected result of /. This was followed by chmod 700 and chown -R $UDO_USER pointing to $TMP_DIRECTORY which was really /.

System slowly crashed and burned. After that it would not reboot. Everyone screams β€œYOU MUST REINSTALL” but that means loosing years of work. This script is a variation of Terdon’s answer:


if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then # root powers needed to call this script
    echo >&2 "$0 must be called with sudo powers"
    exit 1

# Parameters blank?
[[ $1 == "" ]] && echo "Parm 1 must be source directory" && exit 1
[[ $2 == "" ]] && echo "Parm 2 must be target directory" && exit 1

# Parameters valid directories?
[[ ! -d "$1" ]] && echo "Parm 1 must be a directory" && exit 1
[[ ! -d "$2" ]] && echo "Parm 2 must be a directory" && exit 1
# [[ ! "$2" == "/mnt/"* ]] && echo "Parm 2 must start with /mnt/..." && exit 1

# shopt -s globstar     # From original
shopt -s dotglob

# Parameters must end in same subdirectory
[[ "${liveSystem##*/}" != "${deadSystem##*/}" ]] && \
    echo "subdirectory ${liveSystem##*/} not same as ${deadSystem##*/}" && \
    exit 1

cd "$deadsystem"
one() {
    if [ -e "$liveSystem/$MountlessPath" ] ; then
        echo chown --reference "$liveSystem/$MountlessPath" "$path"
        echo chmod --reference "$liveSystem/$MountlessPath" "$path"
        (( Count++ ))
        echo "No reference for: $path"
        (( NoRef++ ))

# From:
# Note typo "If" instead of "if" in above link
recurse() {
  if [ -d "$path" ] ; then
#     echo "Path: $path"
     one "$path"            # Enhancement: chown of directories too
     for i in "$path/"* # "$path/."* # Enhancement: do hidden directories
        # Skip over .. which gives endless loop
        [[ "$path" == *".cache/speech-dispatcher"* ]] && continue
        [[ "$path" == *"/usr/bin/X11"* ]] && continue
        [[ "${#BaseName}" -gt 300 ]] && continue
#        [[ ${#BaseName[@]} -gt 1 ]] && continue
#        echo BaseName: $BaseName
#        [[ $BaseName == ".." || $BaseName == "*" ]] && continue
        recurse "$i"
# Original code selected only files but we want links too
#  elif [ -f "$path" ] ; then
    [ ! -f "$path" ] && printf "Not a file -> "
    one "$path"

recurse "$deadSystem"

echo "========================================================================"
echo "$Count references found for chown command to process"
echo "$NoRef files, directories and links, etc. could not be processed"
# From:
# Original didn't have much luck?
#for file in **/*; do 
#    [ -e "$liveSystem/$file" ] &&
#        echo sudo chown --reference "$liveSystem/$file" "$file"

When running the script with $ sudo reset-owner /mnt/old/var /var | grep "No reference" the tail end says this:

Not a file -> No reference for: /var/tmp/systemd-private-fdbc599820b645f4a461404675af3b5d-rtkit-daemon.service-jvV8tG/tmp/*
No reference for: /var/tmp/systemd-private-fdbc599820b645f4a461404675af3b5d-systemd-timesyncd.service-vmgqTh
No reference for: /var/tmp/systemd-private-fdbc599820b645f4a461404675af3b5d-systemd-timesyncd.service-vmgqTh/tmp
Not a file -> No reference for: /var/tmp/systemd-private-fdbc599820b645f4a461404675af3b5d-systemd-timesyncd.service-vmgqTh/tmp/*
No reference for: /var/tmp/uefi.dat
No reference for: /var/tmp/uefi.dsl
12369 references found for chown command to process
7676 files, directories and links, etc. could not be processed

As daunting as it seems it only took an hour to work it all out. By the time I was done I was left with this:

$ sudo reset-owner /mnt/old/var /var | grep "No reference" | grep -v /var/tmp/ | grep -v /var/spool/ | grep -v '\/\*' | grep -v /var/run | grep -v /unattended | grep -v /upstart | grep -v /log/journal | grep -v /log/pm | grep -v /log/cron | grep -v /log/dpkg | grep -v /log/apt | grep -v /log/altern | grep -v /lib/u | grep -v /lib/systemd | grep -v /lib/snapd | grep -v /lib/shim | grep -v /lib/NetworkManager | grep -v /lib/lightdm | grep -v /lib/initram | grep -v /lib/dpkg | grep -v /lib/doc-base | grep -v /var/lib/dkms | grep -v /lib/blue | grep -v /lib/binfmts | grep -v /lib/apt | grep -v /lib/app-info | grep -v /lib/Accounts | grep -v /var/crash | grep -v /var/cache
No reference for: /var
No reference for: /var/lib/flashplugin-installer
No reference for: /var/lib/gems
No reference for: /var/lib/gems/2.3.0
No reference for: /var/lib/git
No reference for: /var/lib/tlp/rfkill-saved
⇧ Grep characters before and after match? Accidentally copied files to wrong directory  β‡©