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Views: 740β€…    Votes:  7β€…
Tags: wireless   bluetooth   logitech  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Weird walkie-talkie interference with Logitech unifying receiver
ID: /2021/08/06/Weird-walkie-talkie-interference-with-Logitech-unifying-receiver
Created: August 6, 2021
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) is actually common. For example from this article:

β€œThe walkie-talkies in the article yesterday are Motorola FRS (Family
Radio Service) transceivers and operate in the 400Mhz range (around
460mhz). At these frequencies the wiring in computers and TV sets can
act as antennas. The higher the frequency the short an antenna has to
be to be resonant. Depending on the power level of the transmission
this can cause all kinds of problem with frequency dependent devices -
such as monitors, mice, keyboards and the like.

β€œThe frequencies of the two devices can mix and cause problems by
adding to or subtracting from the frequencies the device is expecting.
This could cause the screen to distort and could also lead to false
mouse movements and clicks and well as false keyboard entries.

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