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Views: 854β€…    Votes:  5β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: command-line   text-processing  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Quickly total and average a column of numbers in terminal
ID: /2024/10/22/Quickly-total-and-average-a-column-of-numbers-in-terminal
Created: October 22, 2024    Edited:  November 16, 2024
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
TOC: false    Navigation:  false    Copy to clipboard:  false

1. Copy the column of numbers using rectangle

Hold down the Ctrl key and Left mouse button and drag the mouse to highlight the column of numbers:

enter image description here

NOTE: As soon as you highlight the rectangle it is copied to the clipboard.

2. Run the program n

Then type n + Enter.

enter image description here

Use the middle-mouse button to paste from the clipboard. Then press Enter to tally the results.

3. Install n on your system

The n program is a simple python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
License: GNU GPLv3. (c) 2024
Source: This repository
Description: n - Count, Total, Minimum, Maximum and Average set of numbers.

from __future__ import print_function  # Must be first import
from __future__ import with_statement  # Error handling for file opens
import warnings  # 'warnings' advises which commands aren't supported

print("n - Count, Total, Minimum, Maximum and Average set of numbers.")
print("Paste or input values ('x' + <Enter> to finish):")

n = ""  # Number entered
nl = []  # Number list

while n != 'x':  # Loop until 'x' entered
        n = input()  # Python 3.x
    except (SyntaxError, NameError):
        n = raw_input()  # Python 2.7.12
    except ValueError:
        break  # A letter was entered

if len(nl) == 0:
    print("Nothing to do. Goodbye.")

print("Cnt:", len(nl))
print("Tot:", sum(nl))
print("Min:", min(nl))
print("Max:", max(nl))
print("Avg:", sum(nl) / len(nl))

Copy the above python script to a file named n. The n file should be in your path. If not in your path you must call it with the directory prefix. For example you would have to type /home/me/stuff/n instead of just n.

You need to flag the n program as executable. For example chmod a+x /home/me/stuff/n.

4. Summary

n will take numbers copied not just from gnome-terminal but also from Libre Calc, pyCharm and many other programs that can copy to the system clipboard.

Having to add up or calculate the average for a set of numbers has been a PITA for a long time for me. So I whipped up this little script in just a few minutes. Writing this Q & A actually took longer :)

n should run on any Python version from 2.7.12 to 3.14 or in other words Ubuntu 16.04 through Ubuntu 24.10.

Other Answers

There are other great answers specifically tailored to the question but are not robust. For example another program displays output of WiFi speed from Linux to Android 13 phone:

enter image description here

The n python program still works without any tweaking of awk print positions. Additionally, for myself anyway, awk is frankly awkward to remember the syntax and arguments. Making a script and constantly revising it based on column position doesn’t speed up the workflow.

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