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Views: 1,678β€…    Votes:  4β€…
Tags: google-chrome   flash  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Constant flash player problems
ID: /2016/09/05/Constant-flash-player-problems
Created: September 5, 2016    Edited:  September 5, 2016
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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This is a shot in the dark based on a similar problem reported in February 2013. First if Chrome is running close it. Then open the terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T and type:

chmod -R 0700 ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash
rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash

This will cause the working copy of Flash configuration to be deleted and the next time you start Chrome it is rebuilt from defaults. Type exit to close the Terminal.

The other option is to purge and reinstall Chrome which it sounds like you’ve already done.

When I ran the commands on my Ubuntu 16.04 version the PepperFlash file was removed as expected. However when I started a TV show that uses flash the file wasn’t recreated but yet the TV show worked normally. The Pepperflash file must have been leftover from an older version of Chrome which is no longer needed in Chrome version 53.0.2785.92 (64-bit) that I’m using.

Hopefully it works for you but as I prefaced, β€œit’s a shot in the dark”.

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