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Views: 3,806β€…    Votes:  4β€…
Tag : encryption  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Forgot my passphrase of my encrypted hard disk
ID: /2016/09/05/Forgot-my-passphrase-of-my-encrypted-hard-disk
Created: September 5, 2016    Edited:  September 5, 2016
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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You just installed Ubuntu with the encryption option and forgot to write down your passphrase (or lost the paper you wrote it on).

Because it’s a new installation the simplest solution is to install Ubuntu again this time writing down the passphrase for Encryption and keeping it in a safe place. You will lose all the information created since the first installation which hopefully is not very much.

I suggest when you install Ubuntu a second time don’t encrypt your data. In the future if you have secret information to encrypt you can do it in a ~/.Private directory or all the /home directory and it’s sub-directories. You can encrypt data any time after installation you don’t have do to it during installation.

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