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Views: 407,912β€…    Votes:  27β€…
Tags: hard-drive   ssd   smart  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How can I check the SMART status of a SSD or HDD on current versions of Ubuntu 14.04 through 20.04?
ID: /2017/01/05/How-can-I-check-the-SMART-status-of-a-SSD-or-HDD-on-current-versions-of-Ubuntu-14.04-through-20.04_
Created: January 5, 2017    Edited:  November 13, 2019
Upload: December 22, 2024    Layout:  post
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Ubuntu 16.04

This answer is migrated from a duplicate question closed here (What happend to SMART data (disk selftest option)).

The question above has been changed to require Ubuntu versions after 14.04 but the answers haven’t changed and don’t apply to Ubuntu 16.04. As such it caused confusion as described in the closed question.

Select Dash the first option on the Launcher and type disks. Select the icon that appears. If the disks program isn’t available you need to install it first with:

sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility

The disks main screen looks like this:

disks main

Notice the β€œhamburger” menu in the top right corner. Select it to get a drop down menu where you can select the SMART screen shown below:

disks SMART

If you require further explanation please comment below.

SMART option greyed out

In comments it was mentioned the SMART option was greyed out. This can happen with NVMe SSD’s. In this case referring to this answer:

You need to first install NVMe SSD specific SMART tools:

sudo apt install nvme-cli

Then run the program to report health of drive:

$ sudo nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0
Smart Log for NVME device:nvme0 namespace-id:ffffffff
critical_warning                    : 0
temperature                         : 40 C
available_spare                     : 100%
available_spare_threshold           : 10%
percentage_used                     : 0%
data_units_read                     : 28,167,888
data_units_written                  : 19,397,424
host_read_commands                  : 561,183,142
host_write_commands                 : 171,788,833
controller_busy_time                : 1,354
power_cycles                        : 2,385
power_on_hours                      : 1,363
unsafe_shutdowns                    : 133
media_errors                        : 0
num_err_log_entries                 : 608
Warning Temperature Time            : 0
Critical Composite Temperature Time : 0
Temperature Sensor 1                : 40 C
Temperature Sensor 2                : 51 C

The most important data point is:

percentage_used                     : 0%

When it hits 100% it is time worry about replacing your drive. That said this drive is two years old and still at 0%

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